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To achieve the ambitious objectives of CVIS, a wide range of activities need to be carried out, many of which are interrelated.

The figure below shows an overview of the principal components of the project and the broad flows of activity and results through the project’s phases. The group of “horizontal” coordinating sub-projects operates throughout the entire project term and have both their own proper activities and a coordinating link with the “production” and “demonstration” activities.

The application sub-projects and the core technology sub-projects work in parallel to produce basic and applied technology specifications and prototypes that are then progressively integrated via increasingly integrated test-bed phases into a common “reference execution platform” suitable for in-vehicle and infrastructure integration.

These reference platforms are taken up in real-world trials at the test sites, and given a validation in a proof-of-concept test. The results of the trials are finally evaluated within each of the application and technology sub-projects, and recommendations towards further research and exploitation are compiled.



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