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The Deployment Enablers activity of the CVIS project provides the integrating strand that links the core technical work to the consideration of non-technical questions such as:

  • Why would vehicle makers offer, and drivers buy, CVIS equipment and services, and why would operators and service providers invest in the infrastructure of CVIS?
  • What are the essential non-technical issues the CVIS project needs to resolve to ensure that there are no obstacles to the universal uptake of the technology and that the solutions developed can be made and sold affordably?


The goals of the horizontal Deployment Enablers activity are to:

  • Ensure that the core technologies and applications as developed in the CVIS project are fundamentally deployable and that non-technical issues have been identified and their potential impact on deployment described along with recommendations as to how these issues could be addressed;
  • Derive road maps on how to migrate from today’s situation, via an intermediate phase when penetration of equipped vehicles and infrastructure grows to a critical mass, to a future with widespread take-up of operational CVIS, based on transparent deployment and cooperative business models with suitable sharing of responsibilities and liabilities.

Key Concepts

The prerequisites for widespread deployment can be stated clearly:

  • Core CVIS technologies are fully validated and have achieved large-scale integration, so that an affordable integrated module for in-vehicle use would cost a few 10s of Euros, and for roadside use a few 100s of Euros;
  • All vehicle makers agree to adopt a common CVIS technology based on European and global standards;
  • All traffic system suppliers adopt CVIS technology and offer both “upgrade kits” for existing equipment and new products incorporating the CVIS core technologies and on vehicle-infrastructure cooperation models;
  • All drivers find the CVIS system an attractive product when buying their new vehicle, and perceive as good value a subscription to CVIS services offered by road operators and service providers, in particular they consent to the collection of anonymous data from their vehicle for cooperative monitoring;
  • Road operators, traffic managers, service providers, public authorities, mobile network operators and other needed parties to the full service chain succeed in forming workable consortia to deliver end-to-end services;
  • A positive business case exists for all those (public sector, private commercial sector and public-private partnerships) investing in roadside communications infrastructure and in dedicated CVIS systems for providing both extensive connectivity and a rich and high-value service offering for vehicles in the service area;
  • The risks of potential faults in the CVIS system and/or its operation and use are clarified so that responsibilities for putting them right are clear in advance. This will include mapping legal exposures so that there will be sufficient and sustainable insurance and/or other financial support for relevant exposures and costs;
  • CVIS are an accepted, even favoured tool of public policy at local, national and European level, and recognised for their benefits for traffic safety, road network capacity and efficiency, for personal mobility, for air quality and for commerce and industry.

Through this activity activity, the main deployment enablers for CVIS will be derived and embedded in the design activities of the CVIS project. Deployability will be designed from the inside out, and interactively throughout the phases of the project.

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Main results


The DEPN sub-project will address the following task areas:

  • Openness and interoperability
  • Safe, secure and fault-tolerant design
  • Utility, usability and user acceptance
  • Costs, benefits and business models
  • Risks and liability
  • CVIS as policy tool
  • Deployment road-maps

The outputs will comprise of a CVIS Developers’ Kit with tools, ‘proven’ guidelines and methods to be used in future CVIS development. The DEPN activity will also produce development and deployment Road Maps to move from R&D towards a world of operational CVIS, including the first steps to be taken immediately after the CVIS-project (picking the so-called ‘low hanging fruit’).

These tools are for use by the other CVIS project activities and, once validated, eventually by those wishing to deploy CVIS in pilot- or full-scale implementation.

Key events and milestones

Milestone ref. Milestone Planned date
M.DEPN.1 Final Report 44
M.DEPN.2 Cooperation Architecture and requirements 24
M.DEPN.2 Cooperation Architecture and requirements 45
M.DEPN.3 Safety, security & failure-mode analysis and statement of principles for whole-system security 36
M.DEPN.3 Safety, security & failure-mode analysis and statement of principles for whole-system security 36
M.DEPN.4 Stakeholder utility, data privacy and usability analysis and recommendations 24
M.DEPN.4 Stakeholder utility, data privacy and usability analysis and recommendations 45
M.DEPN.5 Business models and recommendations 40
M.DEPN.5 Business models and recommendations 45
M.DEPN.6 Inventory of risks and threat 18
M.DEPN.6 Inventory of risks and threat 45
M.DEPN.7 Guidelines for policymakers 12
M.DEPN.7 Guidelines for policymakers 45
M.DEPN.8 Roadmaps and recommendations 45

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Monica Schettino

DEPN Sub-project Leader





Sub-Project Partners




















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