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ITS World Congress Stockholm 2009

The ITS World Congress in Stockholm 2009 was a major dissemination activity for the CVIS integrated project. The consortium partners exhibited an impressive set of applications and technologies. The hard work did not however pass without reward; a large amount of positive feedback from different sources made all the efforts justified.

The European Commission took the opportunity to present the outcomes internally in the organisation, as well externally. A few of the most prominent visitors to the CVIS demonstrations were President Obama appointee Peter Appel, RITA Administrator, head of DG INFSO and director of DG TREN.

The CVIS partners also took the opportunity to demonstrate CVIS to their business clients as well as to other departments in their companies. These aspects are extremely important at this stage when the project results need to move from research to product departments.  

Another important aspect of the demonstrations was that some of the work was done in collaboration with the other main European initiatives on cooperative systems, the SAFESPOT and COOPERS integrated projects. The joint work between the three projects showcased the interoperability and complementary approach between the project results.


A detailed report on the different activities showcased at the Congress can be downloaded in the Public documents section of this website - or you may click on the specific chapter of interest in the left-side menu, and download related chapters there. 

The CVIS project set up non less than four major dissemination activities:

  1. Public Road Tour – where CVIS technologies and applications were demonstrated in a vehicle to a limited number of users (~5 people at a time). 

  2. Closed track demonstrations – where a number of cooperative systems scenarios were demonstrated to a larger audience (50+ people at a time). This demonstration included inter-project applications highlighting interoperability and complementarities between CVIS, COOPERS and SAFESPOT IPs. In addition it also showed specific CVIS project applications under the Efficiency sessions.

  3. European Commission stand – where CVIS and SAFESPOT jointly presented a video wall presenting different cooperative applications and technologies, as well as a cooperative driving simulator where visitors test drove the cooperative truck.

  4. Demo Theatre – where CVIS and SAFESPOT applications were presented in a theatrical way (with actors, moderator, mock-ups, videos, etc)

In addition to the four demonstrations, a large amount of supporting dissemination material was prepared, including the CVIS Live! brochure, summarising the entire CVIS experience in Stockholm to guide people through the different CVIS stations.


CVIS Live! p8CVIS Live! p9  CVIS Live! last page

Needless to say, a large number of technical and other presentations were given by the CVIS partners in one of the numerous conference sessions with consortium partner participation.




The CVIS project had a very successful presence at the ITS World Congress in Stockholm. Through well prepared demonstrations at four complementary demonstration stations, the achievements of the project consortium’s hard and dedicated work for the past 3,5 years were displayed in the best possible light. Awareness of CVIS outcomes has increased at international, European and company level. 


The Stockholm event had additional importance for the continuation of the project work as its success was seen as a pre-condition for the final CVIS event in 2010, i.e. the Cooperative Mobility Showcase in Amsterdam.


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