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Pan-European open testbed to Validate IPv6 Mobility Technologies


ANEMONE is an EC-funded project that started on June 1st, 2006 for a duration of 2 years. ANEMONE aims to gather and integrate in a single place all the components (i.e. latest standards in wireless access technologies, communication protocols, and applications) necessary to conduct research, development and study the feasibility of deployment of the IPv6 mobility technologies.


The ANEMONE project will realize a large-scale testbed integrating cutting edge IPv6 mobility and multihoming initiatives together with the majority of current and future wireless access technologies. It will be made of existing testbeds and extensions covering campus and metropolitan areas with a large spectrum of real end users for a pertinent evaluation of advanced services and applications. It will also offer a wide range of multimodal and open terminals such as laptops, PDAs, smartphones and an e-vehicle with a mobile router and local devices.


The ANEMONE testbed will be open to external researchers and propose a complete infrastructure of service facilities to help R&D teams their new applications and services in a mobile and wireless context. ANEMONE testbed will facilitate the development and integration of new and enhanced applications and services by offering a complete development and piloting environment.


If you would like to learn more about this project, click here.


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