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User-friendly, cost-effective, interoperable semantic-driven cooperative systems


COVER is a three-year FP6 EC-funded project that started in March 2006. The project main focus will be on the cooperation between the infrastructure and vehicles in order to support or enable the driver and/or the vehicle to perform a certain traffic related actions and increase infrastructure efficiency.


By integrating semantic technologies, intelligent agents, in-car and infrastructure sensor data, multi-channel communication technologies and context-aware and multi-modal (voice/graphics) interfaces, COVER will provide user-friendly, cost-effective, interoperable semantic-driven cooperative systems able to gain unprecedented road transport efficiency as well as implement advanced eSafety applications.


The project will be engaged in the development of applications such as intelligent speed adaptation, including static (new roads, speed limits changed by authorities), temporary (road works, schools) and dynamic (traffic responsive, road and/or weather conditions) speed limits; advanced cruise-assist highway systems that uses sensors to detect dangers that drivers and on-board sensors are unable to detect; truck platooning, ie, the coordination of traffic management systems and trucks in order to safely and efficiently manage queues, congestions, etc.


COVER will show practical usage of its vehicle – infrastructure cooperation platform through the organisation of two project field trials: one Finnish corridor over E18 mainly devoted to professional (truck) drivers and one motorway segment (Turin-Florence) in Italy, addressing non-professional drivers.


If you would like to read more about this project, click here

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