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Cooperative systems for automated vehicles


CYBERCARS-2 is driven by the vision that, in the short term future, Cybernetic Transport Systems (CTS) based on fully automated urban vehicles (cybercars) will be seen on city roads and on new dedicated infrastructures. However, these present CTS can only operate in low demand environments where little interaction between vehicles is anticipated. In order for this system to address high demands, more cooperation between vehicles is needed. This is the topic of this three-year EC-funded project, based on vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communications, which will address in particular the cooperation between vehicles running at close range (platooning) and at intersections (merging, crossing).

One of the objectives of the project is to develop a cooperative transport system architecture, compatible with current developments in vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communications (such as the CALM architecture) to accommodate requirements for interoperable Cybernetic Transport Systems.


The project will also explore, how regular vehicles equipped with Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems (ADAS) can benefit from close range communications and become, in some limited environments, fully automatic vehicles (dual-mode). The transition between cybercars and ADAS vehicles will be made easier with the forecasted arrival of "dual-mode" vehicles which will offer an automatic mode in specific situations such as platooning and in specific locations such as automated parking lots and manual-assisted mode in regular situations. 


To learn more about this project, click here


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