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Cost-efficient ambient intelligence systems


EMMA is an EC-funded project funded under the 6th Framework Programme that started in May 2006 for an expected duration of 2,5 years.


The new level of cooperation and communication between the infrastructure and vehicle will open a new range of services and application to support safety, information gathering and dissemination and traffic management functions. To summarise, EMMA will play a significant role in developing the embedded software environment to connect the new generations of wireless cooperative objectives, which are emerging as a significant new technology in the automotive and road transport domain, through the development of an open specification and development platform and the validation of the results through a range of prototype applications at the sub-system, vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure level.


The EMMA project is committed to deliver a middleware platform and a development environment which facilitates the design and implementation of embedded software for cooperative sensing objects. The ultimate aim is to hide the complexity of the underlying infrastructure whilst providing open interfaces to 3rd parties enabling the faster, cost-efficient development of new cooperative sensing applications. This end-product will be accompanied by a publicly available specification (PAS) that will help to facilitate its wider adoption.


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