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Preparation for driving implementation and evaluation of C2X communication technology


PRE-DRIVE C2X is a two-year EC-funded project (7th Framework Programme) with main objective to support a common European communication architecture on V2V and V2I, based on EU-project COMeSafety's system description, to develop a detailed system specification and a functionally verified prototype to be used in future field operational tests.


Furthermore PRE-DRIVE C2X shall develop an integrated simulation model for cooperative systems to estimate of the expected benefits of CAR-2-X communication in terms of safety, efficiency and environment.


Finally, all tools and methods necessary for functional verification and testing of cooperative systems in laboratory environment and, in the framework of a field operational test, under real traffic conditions
will be realised. All methods and tools developed in the project will be applied to the PRE-DRIVE C2X prototype system in order to verify its proper functioning and to make a limited impact assessment including a user acceptance test.


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