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Compliance of co-operative systems with future privacy regulations


The PRECIOSA project is part of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.

Co-operative intelligent transport systems involve the handling of location and user information. Thus some core functions in co-operative systems include - if required or permitted - the identification of traveller movements (e.g. to draw conclusions about the traffic status). For deployment success, an inevitable prerequisite is the availability of secure and safe communication with assured privacy.

The aim of PRECIOSA is to demonstrate that co-operative systems can comply with future privacy regulations by demonstrating that an example application can be endowed with technologies for suitable privacy protection of the location related data of individuals.


The major objectives of the PRECIOSA project are to:

  • define an approach for the privacy evaluation of co-operative systems in terms of communication privacy and data storage privacy
  • define a privacy aware architecture for co-operative systems which involves suitable trust models and ontologies, a V2V privacy verifiable architecture, and a V2I privacy verifiable architecture, and which includes the architecture components for protection, infringement detection, and auditing
  • define and validate guidelines for privacy aware co-operative systems
  • investigate specific challenges for privacy. 

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