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Inform, Support, Intervene


The Integrated Project PReVENT is a European automotive industry activity co-funded by the European Commission to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating preventive safety applications and technologies.  


Preventive safety applications help drivers to avoid or mitigate an accident through the use of in-vehicle systems which sense the nature and significance of the danger, while taking the driver’s state into account.


PReVENT will assess the road safety benefits of these technologies to accelerate the introduction of preventive and active Safety in Europe, by that enabling the European industry to further strengthen its position by introducing leading edge technologies while helping to reduce road accidents.


PReVENT consists of a set of eight vertical and five horizontal sub-projects. The cross-functional or horizontal sub-projects aim to achieve integration by harmonisation on specific technical areas; the application-oriented subprojects develop, test and validate safety functions:


If you would like to learn more about this project, click here

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