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Roads to the Future

Bringing the future closer through innovative pilots


Roads to the Future is a programme designed to initiate innovations that contribute toward making road transport in the Netherlands perceptibly less congested, cleaner, safer, quieter, and more comfortable. The programme features about 10 opportunity-driven innovative projects launched every three years which involve both public and private partners join forces.


Roads to the Future focuses on five themes.

  • Users in the future: What are the needs of users in the future with regard to network management in the future?
  • Clean Mobility: Environment requirements are becoming increasingly stricter. How can we ensure that the use of cars and the network becomes cleaner?
  • Infrastructure & Space: How can we make the lack of space and the infrastructure more sustainable?
  • The Information Society: How do we use new opportunities of the information society to facilitate mobility?
  • Waterway of the Future: How can we improve waterways in anticipation of the needs of future users?

The ultimate goal of Roads to the Future is to reveal feasible initiatives and to achieve breakthroughs in safe, reliable and clean mobility for the future.


For more information, please click here.

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