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Support the development and evaluation of cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems


The SUstainable Mobility Methodology for Intelligent Transport Systems (SUMMITS) project, which is conducted by seven different TNO institutes, is based on the assumption that a traffic system in which roads and vehicles can cooperate offers substantial additional benefits in traffic flow safety, efficiency, reliability and quality of the environment, compared with more traditional approaches from the road or vehicle side.

In its first years, SUMMITS will focus on the development of concepts and tools. In following years, SUMMITS intends to apply these concepts and tools in a number of pilot experiments. In order to focus the development of concepts and tools, the first activity in SUMMITS was to develop a vision of a future cooperative vehicle-road system in 2015, to define the main issues to be addressed and to direct the parallel developments in the intelligent road and the intelligent vehicle and to ensure coherence in the program.

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