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CVIS Kick-Off Meeting and First General Assembly

The CVIS project was kicked-off on 14-15 March 2006 in Brussels with several representants of the European Commission DG Information Society and Media, including CVIS Project Officer Francisco de Lacerda Melo Ferreira, and some 51 of its consortium partners present.


The kick-off meeting was the first opportunity to bring all the partners together, to introduce the project as a whole, each activity and their leaders, and to explain how the different activity blocks are expected to interact and cooperate with each other within the general project structure.

Presentations addressed cooperative systems projects within the context of the eSafety initiative and other related EC-financed activities, or other cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems programmes like IVSS (Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems).


The event included a General Assembly to elect and define the role of the Steering Committee, reflecting the main sectors represented in the consortium.

Several sub-projects also took the opportunity to organize their own ”kick-off” meeting.




     ERTICO's Paul Kompfner, CVIS Project           CVIS EC Project Officer Francisco Ferreira  


                                   CVIS consortium members had their say in
                                   selecting the official CVIS logo


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Last modification: 08 September 2006


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