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Print edition Print edition

Results of the CVIS end-user's Survey

Within the framework of the EuroTEST platform, 8,000 motorists of 12 European countries took part in the Survey which aimed at assessing the end-user's perception and acceptance of present (SafetyTechnoPro) and future e-safety systems (CVIS).


SAFETY-TECHNOPRO results will define an innovative and efficient methodology for the definition, elaboration and testing of a training system for professionals (car sales persons, garages staff, vehicle inspectors) about car safety technologies. For a better definition of this methodology it is very important to know how much the final user is familiar with the actual eSafety technologies.

The report was carried out on the basis of 2 surveys distributed by auto clubs of 12 European countries (Norway, Croatia, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Austria and Italy), thus allowing to assess the level of knowledge and the attitudes of motorists as regards the e-Safety systems.


There is a report for each participating country and a report for the "European Average" resulting from the aggregation of all responses from all participating countries. Each country report has initially a description of the surveyed systems, as well as an executive summary about the main findings of the national survey. The same applies for the European Average report.


This Survey has been carried out by RACC Automobile Club in the framework of the Deployment Enablers sub-project, for CVIS part.


Download the reports:

Europe ()

UK ()

Germany ()

Austria ()

Belgium ()

Spain ()

Croatia ()

Italy ()

Portugal ()

Netherlands ()

Switzerland ()

France ()

Norway ()






















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