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Smartfreight Final Conference

Staten hus, Prinsens gate 1 Trondheim, Norway

13-14 October 2010

Agenda and practical information

Over the last three years, SMARTFREIGHT, a research project co-funded by the European Commission, has developed a new concept to integrate urban traffic management systems with the management of freight and logistics in urban areas. Building on the cooperative technology developed in European projects such as CVIS, ICT solutions have been assessed to allow bi-directional wireless communication with individual freight vehicles, so operations can be better supported and controlled. This new concept could lead to a more efficient, environmentally friendly and safer urban freight transport.


This final conference will highlight the new SMARTFREIGHT solutions and will illustrate several possible applications. In order to evaluate the SMARTFREIGHT potential, the city of Trondheim provided a dedicated technical test site. A demonstration will show in practice how the ICT infrastructure set in Trondheim can eventually be used to better coordinate urban and freight management systems.


Who should attend the conference?

  • Public authorities and traffic managers

  • freight operators, consultants

  • manufacturers/industry

  • engineers

  • any other stakeholders dealing with urban freight distribution

Register by 22 September, the Smartfreight conference is free of charge! Click here to register 

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