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We need your opinion!

The business of cooperative systems, whose objective is to increase safety and efficiency along the road, is a complex issue: many parties are involved and there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Within CVIS, the DEPN (Deployment Enablers) sub-project team focuses on a deployment plan addressing risks, mitigation strategies, legal, business, market and user acceptance aspects.


Within that framework, a first user survey was carried out last year, through automobile clubs out of 12 different European countries, to asses the level of knowledge and attitudes of motorists towards present and future e-safety systems. 

A second survey, destined more particularly to manufacturers, has now been launched to obtain their detailed opinion on CVIS systems: What do they think about it ? Why would they invest in this? What kind of implementation scenario is preferred? What are the main arguments for and against different CVIS applications and deployment scenarios?


This survey comprises about 30 questions and is solely directed to:
• Car Manufacturers
• Truck Manufacturers
• Suppliers


We value your opinion!

If you fall into any of those categories, your expert vision is needed to extract useful elements for our work and contribute to the deployment of cooperative systems.


The survey is realised as a web-based questionnaire to ensure anonymity. The results will be made accessible to all participants but the participants' identity will not be revealed to the other participants as well as to the administrators of this survey. All results will only be displayed in an aggregated view, individual responses will not be distinguishable.

Here is the link to the survey:


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Last modification: 22 July 2008


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