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The aim of this sub-project is to develop innovative co-operative systems for commercial vehicles where information about the current positions, the cargo types and the destinations of freight transport vehicles are given to the regional public authorities in order to increase:

  • efficiency
  • safety
  • security
  • environmentally friendliness of cargo movements

The cooperation approach is shown in three different application areas:

  1. monitoring and guidance of dangerous goods,
  2. parking zone management, and
  3. access control to sensitive infrastructures.

The driver can have more precise and up-to-date information on:

  • local traffic conditions and regulations/limitations affecting his journey
  • available parking zones for goods loading/unloading and resting
  • suitable routes for the specific goods being transported



Within CVIS, the CF&F Sub-project follows the objective to assess and demonstrate the benefits on transport efficiency and road safety of cooperative systems between vehicle and infrastructure in the field of freight transportation and fleet management, by applying the co-operation enabling technologies developed in the technology sub-projects of CVIS.


The main goal is the development of three reference applications aiming to:

  • increase the safety of dangerous goods transports;
  • optimise delivery logistics and driver rest periods for transport companies;
  • reduce, inside sensitive areas, vehicle breakdowns.



CF&F focuses on the following challenges:

  • use cases based on existing needs of drivers, transport companies, control centres, citizens and public authorities;
  • specification of a system architecture;
  • system and technical requirements for on board architecture and ground infrastructure integration;
  • specifications for system functionalities and operative procedures;
  • infrastructure strategies and algorithms for:
    • dangerous goods transport management and control;
    • priority assignment of loading bays/parking zones;
    • coordination of vehicle access to sensitive areas;
  • on board functionalities for:
    • driver HMI for data exchange;
    • monitoring of vehicle diagnostic status and driving style.

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Cooperative dynamic management of dangerous goods transports for:

  • dangerous goods vehicle route guidance, based on locally defined preferences;
  • monitoring of dangerous goods including hand-over of the monitoring task between authorities in different regions/countries as the vehicle crosses regional and national borders;
  • dynamic individual influence of local authorities on dangerous goods routing and guidance, including re-routing of individual dangerous goods vehicles after incidents or changed local conditions;
  • dynamic scheduling of loading bays and highway resting areas; booking, physical access monitoring and control.



Niclas Nygren
CF&F Sub-project Leader


Sub-Project partners












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